We took over the Winter Palace at 2.04 a.m. Six people of the Pavlovsky regiment were killed.
A little man rushed into the room, pushed by the crowd, who flooded in right after him and immediately took up the whole room.
The Military Revolutionary Committee have broken in ... We only have a small number of cadets... In a few minutes, we will be arrested.
Advancing beyond the White Hall, the revolutionaries find themselves in the Golden Drawing Room. Proceeding via the Raspberry Drawing Room, they reach the Saltykov Staircase; some now head up to the second floor, where Kerensky’s rooms are located, while others proceed to Nicholas II’s former suite, where the Provisional Government was headquartered.
MRC commissars Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko and Grigory Chudnovsky encounter Head of the Winter Palace security Palchinsky, who is immediately arrested.
The detachment that entered the palace via the Commandant Entrance frees a group of revolutionaries who’d previously been arrested by the Junkers.
Traversing the Small Field Marshals’ Hall, the rebels find themselves in the Dark Corridor, whence some make for all the open doors, disarming more cadets as they do so, while others congregate in the White Hall.
Several entrances to the Winter Palace were left unguarded, so Bolsheviks easily let themselves inside. 400-500 cadets remain at their positions.