We need at least 200-300 people, it's the only thing that can save us. Otherwise, we won't pull through.
Minister Konovalov calls the City Duma from his office and manages to say a few words to the effect that palace has been seized.
The Military Revolutionary Committee have broken in ... We only have a small number of cadets... In a few minutes, we will be arrested.
"In the name of the Military Revolutionary Committee, I pronounce you arrested!", I say. "Provisional Government members surrender to avoid bloodshed", answered Konovalov.
Provisional Government members surrender to avoid bloodshed.
The meeting of the Provisional Government is coming to an end at the Winter Palace. They approved a plan of capturing Smolny. All ministers are heading home, only Kerensky and his deputy, Minister of Trade Alexander Konovalov, remain.
A deputation from the Cossacks arrived at the Winter Palace. Acting Head of Government Alexander Konovalov left to negotiate with them, having appointed Minister of the Navy Dmitry Verdeversky in his place.
министр торговли и промышленностиAlexander Konovalov suggests remaining at the Winter Palace up until the arrest. Everyone accepts the suggestion unanimously.
The Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies has declared the government deposed and demanded the transfer of power under the threat of bombardment of the Winter Palace by the canons of the Peter and Paul Fortress and battleship “Aurora.” The government can only hand over the power to the Constituent Assembly and has decided not to surrender and to give itself up for protection to the army and the people. Speed up the troop dispatch.
The Provisional Government begins a session at the Winter Palace, presided by Minister of Trade and Industry Konovalov. Kerensky is absent. Overall, only four or five ministers have arrived.