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Feodor Chaliapin

17 Calendar
Age: 44
Lives in: Petrograd, Russian Empire
Occupation: Opera singer, actor
Job: Imperial Theaters

Project 1917 is a series of events that took place a hundred years ago as described by those involved. It is composed only of diaries, letters, memoirs, newspapers and other documents

I bought 15 bottles of wine from a ballerina I knew and had a taste of it with a friend of mine. As it turned out, the quality of the wine was below average. I went to sleep. During the deepest sleep, Nikolay - our cook, who still called himself our cook, even though there wasn't anything to cook anymore - ran into my room, frightened:

"They're here again!"

Young soldiers, armed with rifles and bayonets, and two civilians with them. The civilians report that they arrived by order of the local revolutionary committee to conduct a house check.

They lift the rugs, shake the curtains, fan the pillows, look into the furnace. Of course, I had no "literature" of any kind, neither capitalist nor revolutionary. Only the 13 bottles of wine.

"Take the wine," an old man commanded.

I tried to talk the dear guests into leaving the wine and drinking it right there with me, - the good people resisted the temptation. They took the wine. They found playing cards in a drawer: I'm not going to lie, I do sometimes practice this bourgeois craft, Préférence or Bridge. They took them as well.

I keep reading about the civil war in the South, and if even half of it is true - it is absolutely horrible. All the situation is terrible and I'm so sick of it!

puts on a concert for sailors

As for myself, I’ll say this: for the time being at least, life is tolerable enough. I’m performing in the People's House, which is always packed to the rafters with an appreciative public. Incidentally, I am, thank God, in fine fettle. My voice hasn’t sounded the way it does now for a long time: it’s youthful, light and sonorous. See more

An opportunity to talk over the telephone availed itself, and I spoke to my godmother, who, naturally enough, told me more or less everything. I asked her to send a fur coat to me here in Petersburg, but I’ve still not received anything and don’t know whether or not she sent it. See more

Emerging onto the street with Maria Valentinovna, I failed to find a cabman. So we set out on foot. We’d turned into Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt when suddenly we heard the sound of gunfire and the clatter of bullets. If my courage wavered in that moment, can you imagine the state of my wife? – Running from porch to porch and hiding in doorways under cover of darkness – the streetlamps not having been lit – we somehow made it home.

I did not set off for Petrograd, but stayed here, in view of the events that have taken place. However, yesterday I received another telegram from Aksarin from the People’s House and a letter from Wolkestein, reassuring me completely and inviting me to come to Petersburg without delay. Things are quiet there, and there is food on sale, although it is very expensive. See more

As soon as the Commander in Chief appeared in the dress circle box, the right side of the orchestra stood up as one and wildly welcomed the general, who modestly bowed to all sides. But the left side, where were most of the soldiers’ deputies, stubbornly continued to sit. See more

The collection was 14,500 rules, for the payment of all the expenses I received about 10,000 rubles, and of course, there was harassment in the newspapers - I was honoured as marauder, and called many other words, but nonetheless, the tickets were sold out within three hours. See more

Not long ago, I visited the little town of Nalchik. It is an extremely beautiful place surrounded by mountains and steppes. Both the Kabardian steppe and the mountains nearby are populated by Kabardians (a Caucasian tribe—Muslims). See more

Have just got back from Sevastopol, where I gave a concert to a large audience of sailors. The proceeds are to go to those injured in the war and to supporting popular education. I gave the concert dressed in a simple soldier’s jacket, which I was also photographed in. The sailors bore me aloft over their heads, and I sang them songs and made speeches. See more

Совещание художников и деятелей искусств

Участвуют: Горький, Бенуа, Петров-Водкин, Рерих, Добужинский и другие. 

Age: 44
Lives in: Petrograd, Russian Empire
Occupation: Opera singer, actor Job: Imperial Theaters
