The Bolsheviks have reoccupied Tsarskoe and are now confident of victory. In Petrograd, they are supported by the ships which they have brought up from Kronstadt, one of which is anchored close to the Embassy. Were the Cossacks now to try to effect an entry, the town would probably be bombarded. See more
In the morning I have called together a meeting of the military council with the participation of General Krasnov, his Head of Staff Popov, the Assistant Commander of the Petrograd troops Captain Kuzmin, Savinkov, Stankevich and one more staff officer. See more
At midday on the 13th, a council of war was held and the opinion of Stankevich that negotiations should be opened with the Bolsheviks prevailed. Savinkov denounced this decision as a crime against the country and left Gatchina that evening to try to obtain help from the XVIIth Corps, then at Nevel. See more
Military-Revolutionary committee:
Kerensky’s gang has begun artillery fire. Our artillery responded and made the opponent to stop. Cossacks began the offensive. Deadly fire from sailors, Red Army troops and soldiers forced the Cossacks to retreat. Our armored cars crashed into enemy lines. The enemy is running. Our troops are pursuing them. An order was issued for Kerensky’s arrest.
Woke up at 8. Thought that all was over (it was quiet). But no, the cook says that there was artillery fire just now. Now I hear the cracking of shots. The telephone has been turned off for private citizens. Electricity is on. You can’t buy anything to eat. The doorman says he saw around two hundred people marching towards Junker Institute. See more
The telephone has not been working the whole day. We are completely cut off and don’t know anything. There is constant shooting. Judging by the groups that are in the alley by Brusilov’s apartment, in our part of the city this situation is supported by the “bolsheviks.” See more
I have not lost faith in Russian outcome by any means. Russia, like France in a past century, will no doubt have to go through deep waters but she will come out upon firm land on the other side and her great people, for they are a great people, will in my opinion take their proper place in the world.
We got up late. The political perspectives have not grown lighter, but neither have they grown dimmer. We continue packing. After tea, A.N and I walked around the streets for a bit and heard separate shots towards the zoo and the palace. Both sides have announced a truce in order to establish the structure of the future government by noon the next day.