It is all too advantageous for the Mensheviks to put about false rumours and allegations to the effect that the government they support is saving the revolution. To believe these rumours, to support them directly or indirectly, would mean, on the part of the Bolsheviks, betraying the cause of the revolution. See more
Parcels from factories and the navy suddenly stopped arriving again. What happened? What is the reason for this? I can’t sleep at night. I’m already used to criminals having rows at night, and now I’m awake, and thinking, thinking… I’ve started feeling unwell during my walk. They called a doctor. She was very strict and unemotional. She prescribed digitalis. Told me to stay in bed.
What am I doing in this world? - Listening to my soul.
On account of yesterday's incident Nastenki was deprived of the right of walking on the streets for a few days, and poor Khitrovna had to go back again on the evening ship. The weather became nice, with a hot sun. During the morning we went and sat in the garden for an hour and for two hours in the afternoon. I made a swinging bench in the garden for myself, I began the book The Scarlet Pimpernel.