... it was a really wonderful occasion, and you can find out nothing about it from papers. The Albert Hall was absolutely packed, and 20,000 people had been refused tickets. Every person there was wanting a real absolute change in everything –– not the sort of piecemeal niggling reforms that one is used to, but the sort of thing the Russians have done. People cheered for a republic, for freedom for India, for all the things one never hears mentioned. The whole atmosphere was electric. Reporters applauded, but did not take notes. A meeting of the kind would have been utterly impossible a month ago. See more
Peace with Russia! Alliance with Russia! It is a lie that they understand Russian language better in France than here. Never, not even in 1914, I have felt any anger towards Russia and Russian character. France—totally other matter. But I do not feel anger. It is that mixture of hatred and contempt that is habitually called disgust.
My dear Zosia and Yasik! Have you received my telegram and a postcard that I have sent after my release? It has been several days now that I have been resting, almost in the village, in Sokolniki, because the impressions and the fever of the first days of freedom and revolution were too powerful and my nerves, weakened by so many years of prison silence, could not withstand the pressure. Now, I am using the time in order to fill the gaps in my knowledge and to bring my thoughts in order. See more
Came back to new Russia. The Session of the Soviets. The fraction of the Bolsheviks, together with the Petersburg Committee and the Central Committee, discusses whom to send as a speaker for the Bolsheviks. I spoke in favor of juxtaposing the Soviets and the Provisional Government, for merciless exposure of social-sycophants, for fraternisation, in other words was carrying out Lenin’s policy.
Reports say that General Ivanoff has been arrested. Only a few months ago he was one of the heroes of the war.
What makes me sick is that some people who, a very short time ago, were squealing to be presented to the Emperor, are now abusing him. See more
The Tsarevitch was now almost well, and running about the Palace much as usual. I do not think he noticed many changes, the Revolution conveyed nothing to him except when he missed certain of his soldiers and his friends. He was still a happy, light-hearted child. The Imperial Family had no presentiment of disaster for themselves, but they suffered untold agonies of mind over the fate of Russia. See more
Anarchist propaganda has already contaminated the larger part of the front.
From all quarters I am receiving re ports of scenes of mutiny, the murder of officers and wholesale desertion. Even in the front line bands of private soldiers are leaving their units to go and see what is happening in Petrograd or at home in their villages.