Generally speaking, my view of our future is a highly optimistic and favourable one. We have to marvel at how little in the way of evil and terror is happening here. Theoretically, Russia ought to be a heap of smoking ruins See more
Meanwhile our life gradually settled down along definite lines, and by mobilising all our resources we managed to resume the education of the Czarevitch and two youngest Grand-Duchesses. The lessons began at nine o'clock, and were broken off from eleven to twelve for a walk, which was always shared by the Czar. See more
Dear Ilya Yefimovich, I have just received an assignment from the British ambassador to inform you, that early on Wednesday morning Sir George will visit the Penates. See more
Most of the wood that we ordered has been delivered - and this is a huge event for our household. Now we can hope that we will stay warm in winter.
I know England and the English better than my own subjects do, certainly better than my officials and the Foreign Office! If only Your Excellency’s predecessors had listened to my suggestions and implorations instead of pursuing their continental political theories and failing to heed my words, our treatment of these brutes would have been a different one!
The Presidium of the Petrograd Soviet has until late not been built on the correct foundations: the presidium completely lacked representation from other parties such as the Bolsheviks and the Menshevik-Internationalists. Besides this it has long been known that most of those in the factories and military units garrisoned in Petrograd are followers of the Bolshevik party. See more
Noting with deep sorrow the lamentable developments that have latterly been affecting our defenceless hotbeds of piety, the Local Council appeals to the Supreme Government of the God-protected Russian State with the request that it take measures to afford genuine protection to Orthodox monasteries, safeguarding them from criminal violations by evil individuals not only of the freedom and welfare of the cloisterers, but also of the integrity and prosperity of the monasteries themselves.
Spent all day on the sofa in my study. Only had four glasses of milk with Vichy today. Pain has gone. "Novoe vremya" is out, it was closed from September 10th.
During the night and during the morning it rained and a cold wind was blowing. About 3 o'clock the sun came out from behind the clouds. I paced a lot up and down the yard. During the evening while we played dominoes and bezlk, Botkin read aloud The Ninth Wave.