After yesterday, the battle waged successfully; during two days our army took 18,600 prisoners. During the evening, thanksgiving services were held at church. During the day we chopped down four dry trees behind the tennis court and then we worked for a while in the vegetable garden until 4:30. All day the weather was overcast; at 4 o'clock the welcome rain started. I read until dinner time.
The streets of Petrograd have once again come to life, thronging with noisy crowds bearing flags and banners - Russian soldiers have gone on the offensive. I am very glad. Now at least we can look our French and English allies in the eye!
The workers’ and soldiers’ battalions marching in step. About half a million protestors, united by their comradely purpose, united around slogans, among which by far the most dominant were: “All Power to the Soviets”, “Out with the 10 Capitalist Ministers”, “No to a separate peace with the Germans, no to secrets treats with the Anglo-French capitalists” e.t.c. See more
Everyone immediately understood, that killing is easy not only when your bullets strike an unseen enemy, or when, in the heat of the battle, the soldier forgets himself, but also when, among his own brothers, Russians, when just now the lieutenant stood just there when, thrown together by a mighty crash, the soldiers, the breath sucked out of them, look around and there is no lieutenant, only lumps of torn up flesh, on one of which still hangs an epaulet. See more
The offensive on the Galician Front has begun in earnest. The first battle ended favorably for us. Now it is important to press the advantage, not to stop and not to give the enemy the opportunity to concentrate greater forces against us. The doctor says that I am better. I do feel this myself, although I am still very weak.