From what I heard of a conversation: he said “I’ll slit my throat”, to which she replied “Be my guest”’.
While I was pulling a street-lamp over the big bully to gas him, the head of the lamp collapsed and its sharp metal edge fell across the bridge of my nose, necessitating two surgical stitches.
Dear Ivan Alekseyevich!
Allow me to request your collaboration on the newspaper Luch [Ray]. I shall say only that the newspaper promises to be really rather respectable and literary-oriented. Conditions? Whatever you see fit. I would be most happy if you could contribute some poetry or a short story towards the end of January.
You are a good friend and have never refused me your help. I hope you shall not refuse it on this occasion either.
As you will have gleaned from my report, Your Highness, I believe the situation to be more perilous and critical than ever before. Sentiments across the country are such that we can expect the gravest of shocks. It is no secret that the Empress, acting in parallel with you, is issuing orders regarding the administration of the country, and that undesirables are quickly dismissed from their posts whenever she wills it – to be replaced by utterly unprepared individuals.
Literature — pure art — is the clear wine of life. What then will I do when this wine is stirred up and wanders about, when the devil himself cannot grasp whether it is tar or honey.
The Atlantic News reports that the United States has entered the war on the side of the allies… one cannot believe the Atlantic News. Rumours are reported as authoritative. But the fact remains. A constant watch is kept from the mast. The passengers are anxious. They’re afraid to go to bed… As for me, I’d actually like to live through something “serious”. As a matter of curiosity. And I feel “unafraid of anything”.