It is a satisfaction for Britain in these terrible times that no share of the responsibility for these events rests on her. She is not the Jonah in this storm. The part taken by our country in this conflict, in its origin, and in its conduct, has been as honourable and chivalrous as any part ever taken in any country in any operation. See more
Dearest friend, if you see Matisse, give him my warm regards, tell him how much I love him. I am penniless, old thing.
Petrograd. The reception of the Root mission by the Russian press has been most curious. Such newspapers as the Novoe Vremya, belonging to the Right, confine themselves to statements made by Mr. Root and publish on the mission, but the Bulletin of the Council of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Delegates has not yet printed one line on the mission, apparently maintaining an attitude of such strict reserve as will not bind them to a definite line of action in the future.
In the past, among the officers there were always a few insolent ones, foppish and rude, but now we are seeing something terrible: they munch on nuts and apples and smirk like street urchins. I feel differently towards officers than towards the “well-fed bourgeoisie ". They should have some “polish” and be properly brought up. Otherwise the result is an abomination.
Once, one evening in the heat of summer, when the Grand Duchess Tatiana and I sat on the window-sill of my room on the second floor, reading aloud and trying to get a little air (it was after five, and we were never allowed out a second time), a sudden voice outside bellowed " Take away your mugs (roja), or I shall fire." See more
We finished our kitchen garden some time ago and it is now in splendid condition. We have every imaginable kind of vegetable, and five hundred cabbages. The servants, too, have made a garden on their side of the palace, where they can cultivate what they like. We went to help them dig it — the Czar too. To occupy our leisure now that we have finished our work on the garden, we have asked and obtained permission to cut down the dead trees in the park, so we go from place to place, followed by a guard which moves when we move. We are beginning to be quite skilful woodcutters. This will give us a supply of wood for next winter.
For aristocrats brought up on duels, a revolution is always a duel. Whether you are fighting for the beautiful lady of monarchy or the beautiful lady of revolution, you are still fighting for a beautiful lady.
On the subject of political events: I have the impression, which grows stronger and stronger all the time, that our entire revolution will ultimately turn out to be a colossal piece of German provocation. We have already been defeated by Germany, and the overthrow of the autocracy was the last piece of bacon fat that tempted us into the mousetrap.