It is a cloudy morning, with a smell of burning. Everything is covered in lilac fog. Beautiful.
Kerensky has certainly lost all sense of understanding. He is under cross influences. He opens himself almost to anything, almost like a woman. His domestic ways have also corrupted him. He has established (and he lives in the Winter Palace!) “court” orders, which adhere to miserable philistinism, parvenu. He has never been clever, but it seems that even ingenious intuition has abandoned him when festive, honey-feasting days have passed, and were replaced by severe (oh, how severe!) weekdays. See more
Forgive me for the courage with which I decided to send you a few things that one can no longer find in Russia and which, perhaps, will be useful to you. I know that you will be angry with me, but forgive me with you kindness and grace for giving me the pleasure of thinking about you, about your lovely hands that gave me so much happiness. See more
Poor Russia! Madness of workers, stupidity of the government, rowdiness of the deputies, escalating food crisis in Petrograd, growing animosity of peaceful and calm people are creating high tension in society. I believe there will be an explosion in the near future. See more
The Conference of Public Figures welcomes you, the Supreme Leader of the Russian Army. The Conference declares that any attempt attempt to undermine your authority in the army and in Russia will be considered criminal, and joins its voice to the voices of the officers, the cadets and the Knights of George. See more
The weather became nice and warm. During the morning as always a train of people came into town. MarieThird daughter of Nicholas II had a fever and Alexis left arm hurt a little. Until lunch I spent all my time and pleasure talking in the sunshine. At 2:30 our ship went to the other side of the river and was laying in a supply of wood, and we went for a walk. See more