I arrived to Petersburg today in the afternoon, only found my aunt here, we had breakfast and lunch together, shared our impressions with each other. I am rather dumb, and comprehend everything poorly, because I have lived a senseless life for a long time, without any thoughts, as a plant. See more
Russian revolution defeats its opponents and moves them not in the same way as the French revolution, it conquers not with terror and blood, but with its faith, charm, enthusiasm, that has swept the masses with a deep faith in bright ideals of democracy. Free people are undefeatable in their faith.
The Germans, who have hoped that we Bolsheviks will perform the role of those opposed to the war, have agreed to our terms.
Earmark two thousand, better three thousand, kronen for our journey. Intend leave Wednesday minimum ten persons. Wire.
Russian people have proven that they are a great people worthy of a great future. On the edge of destruction, in a hopeless situation, under threat from a terrible enemy, they, inspired and ingenious, have carried out the shortest, bloodless, and painless of revolutions. See more
I was delegated to the Soviet by our Bolshevik military organization. People kept asking "Why is a woman delegated by the military?". It's very unusual. But soon everyone stopped being so surprised.
I saw the sailor Derevenko, who, lounging in an armchair, ordered the Heir to give him this or that. Alexei Nikolaevich ran around with sad and surprised eyes, fulfilling the orders. This Derevenko enjoyed the love of Their Majesties: for so many years they spoiled him and his family, showering them with gifts. I felt almost sick; I begged that they would rather take me away.
Michel Alexandrovitch Stakhovitch, an admirer and great friend, appointed Governor-General of Finland by the Provisional Government, came to assure me that he was ready to do anything to improve my position.
I daily saw General Kornilov and his Chief of Staff, Colonel Balaban, an old friend from 1914 days. Kornilov gradually gave up his former optimism. On April 6tli he was called to attend a meeting of the Cabinet, and said afterwards that its members showed great weakness. See more
Actors and artists of the Mikhailovsky Theatre decided to establish the Ministry of Arts. I sat at their meeting as a spectator.
Suddenly among the names nominated to the ministry by the youth, I hear my own. See more
The Grand Duchess Marie was still very ill, and Anna, who knew this, decided to go and see her. The Empress was against the idea; Anna was ill, she said, and it was better for her health and her safety to keep as quiet as possible, and not to draw any undue attention to her presence in the Palace. See more
Alexis Nicolaievitch feeling much better. We went to church this morning, where we found Their Majesties, the Grand-Duchesses Olga and Tatiana, and the various members of the suite who are sharing our captivity. When the priest prayed for the success of the Russian and Allied armies the Czar and Czarina knelt down, the whole congregation following their example. See more
General Kornilov, the new Military Governor of Petrograd, is endeavouring gradually to resume control of the troops of the garrison. The task is all the more arduous because most of the officers have been killed, degraded or forced to fly. He has ordered a review on the Winter Palace Square for this morning and, very judiciously, has selected only the best elements, those units in which discipline has suffered least. Since the fall of the imperial regime, it is the first time that a substantial force has been assembled in regular formation. See more
The impression which the new Ministers made on me when I went to convey to them our official recog- nition was not such as to inspire me with great con- fidence for the future. Most of them already showed signs of strain and struck me as having undertaken a task beyond their strength. See more
It was a bright day. At 11 o'clock I went to Mass with Olga, Tatiana and Alexis. Marie and Anastasia's temperature fell to normal, but towards evening Marie's rose a little bit. I went for a two hour walk; I walked and worked and delighted in the weather. I returned home at 4:30. I sat for a long time with the children. In the evening we sat with Anna and others.