It pains me to think that you have lost your optimism, which so struck me on the occasion of our first meeting two years ago. Personally, I have preserved a profound faith in our future. See more
The theory of relativity is being warmly received within the professionacommunity. How is it possible that our civilized age is at the same time so evil? I am becoming more and more convinced that everything counts for very little, apart from the love of one’s neighbour and friendship between people. See more
Ex oriente luxЛат. — «Свет приходит с Востока». Парафраза евангельского повествования о рождении Иисуса (Евангелие от Матфея, 2.1). — who would have thought it! The future is hazy as never before, but it’s not at all hopeless; meanwhile, the impact of these eventsSpeech about the abdication of Nicholas II on people’s minds is beyond any doubt.
The most effective way out of the impasse, it seems to me, is the following: America, England, France and Russia will conclude an eternal treaty, which will established agreed-upon minimums and maximums of armaments. This union will be open to any further states that possess democratically elected parliaments, with ministries accountable to parliamentary majorities. But while German politicians continue to push for a change in the balance of power in the near or distant future, we should not dream of any serious changes to the current situation.