Nicholas has not been noted for a sense of humor, but when in his abdication he came to the words «make known to all our faithful subjects,» some gentle snicker must have rippled from his erstwhile Imperial lips.
Franchise and Other Vast Concession Obtained Money Now Pouring In. Special Cable Dispatch American business men and engineers have obtained a franchise for the building of a complete subway system In Petrograd, according to members of the Milner commission, who are now returning from Russia. The commissioners say that both Americans and Japanese are highly popular In the' Czar's empire. American money is pouring in large amounts, many vast concessions have been granted and American engineers are everywhere directing the construction of Important works. The part taken by Americans In the railroad and mining Industries and In trade is said to be Increasing rapidly. In the opinion of the commissioners Americans and Japanese will be the only competitors, after the close of the war, for a big share of the trade and Industry formerly controlled by the Germans.
Had 85 jobs in two years
A German, he lost them all and now seeks citizenship
The value of American citizenship was emphasized by Emil Harms, a. German, who was formerly a sailor on the steamship Main, now tied up at Baltimore. Harms, who has been living lately at 4040 Newark street, Hoboken, walked Into Hoboken police headquarters last night and said he wanted to become an adopted son of Uncle Sam. The police sent him to Ellis Island. «In the past two- years,» Harms explained. «I’ve had eighty-five different Job. Every time I’d get work something would come up In connection with my German birth, and I’d be fired. I’m tired of it, and want to be a citizen.»
The German authorities have removed the bells from the orthodox churches and also from certain of the Roman Catholic churches. A deputation of priests called recently on a high official of the Government, begging him to spare ancient bells, which they regarded as precious souvenirs. The official gave his promise and the priests, were surprised some time after to receive a parcel containing photographs of the bells — the originals had disappeared — and a letter from the official saying that was all he could do for the church at that moment.