Рано, в шесть, проснулся. Подавленное состояние. Отупел я, обездарел, как живу, что вижу! Позор!
Туман, вся земля белая, твердая. Пошел гулять - кладбище (оно еще в траве) теперь под сединой изморози - малахитовое, что ли. Вчера читали записку Корнилова. И Керенский молчок! И общество его терпит!
Почти полдень. Горизонт туманен. Тихий, тихий беззвучный день. Так мертва, тупа душа, что охватывает отчаяние.
Десять часов вечера. Гуляли немного за садом, потом по двору. В сущности, страшно. Тьма, ледяная мгла вдали едва различима, но все-таки видна.
Записка Алексеева. Что же русское общество не тянет за усы Керенского?!
Хам уже давно в русском обществе. Все, что было темного, наглого, противоестественного в литературе за последние двадцать лет - не то же ли, что теперь в общественной жизни? Что же, дивились словам Горького, Андреева, Скитальца? А теперь - Керенские, Гвоздевы!
Suddenly it’s grown very cold. Temperature has dropped below 0°. We are losing the Baltic sea and returning to the borders the way they were during the time of Ivan the Terrible.
A commissar of the Romanian Front has commented on the dangers presented by the vast quantities of wine stored so near our trenches in Bessarabia. It is of the utmost importance to remove this wine from Bessarabia, sparing no expense in providing the army with the security it needs.
The Vyborg Food Committee has issued food cards to the Romanov family. Only the sick members of the former royal family will get flour.
BiryukovPavel Biryukov is a publicist, a biographer of Leo Tolstoy. said that the Americans are making inroads into Russia and believe that they outclass her not only morally but materially as well. They’ve dispatched hundreds of missionary laymen there to convert the Russians to their faith. They take their mission of “God and the dollar” very seriously.
Liberation can only be possible if Bolsheviks seize power.
Savinkov suspects German work in the KornilovCommander in Chief of the Petrograd command - from 18 March 1917 business. His point is that there were three possible outcomes of the “ adventure ” :
I have personally met officers on the Northern Front who frankly preferred military disaster to cooperation with the Soldiers’ Committees. The secretary of the Petrograd branch of the Cadet party told me that the break-down of the country’s economic life was part of a campaign to discredit the Revolution. See more
It need not be repeated that the case for despotism is democratic. As a rule its cruelty to the strong is kindness to the weak.
What a revelation of the vitality of the Russian Revolution, after all these months of starvation and disillusionment! The bourgeoisie should have better known its Russia.
The trial of KornilovCommander in Chief of the Petrograd command - from 18 March 1917 was coming on. More and more openly the bourgeois press defended him, speaking of him as “the great Russian patriot.” Burtzev’s paper, Obshtchee Dielo (Common Cause), called for a dictatorship of Kornilov, Kaledin and Kerensky! See more
It was a clear, cold day. I learned of the arrival yesterday of Mr. Gibbs, but I still have not seen him, probably because he brought some things and letters which have not been inspected. I began the sixth volume of Leskov.