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Project 1917 is a series of events that took place a hundred years ago as described by those involved. It is composed only of diaries, letters, memoirs, newspapers and other documents

Вошел Керенский. За ним двое солдат с винтовками. Между винтовками какой-то человек с пакетами. Трагически-повелительно Керенский взял пакет из рук человека:

— Наши секретные договоры с державами… Спрячьте…

И исчез так же драматически…

— Господи, что же мы будем с ними делать? — сказал Шидловский. — Ведь даже шкафа у нас нет…

Куда же деть эти секретные договоры? Это ведь самые важные государственные документы, какие есть. Откуда Керенский их добыл? Этот человек был из Министерства иностранных дел. Очевидно, видя, что делается, он бросился к Керенскому, так как боялся, что не в состоянии будет их сохранить. Так же нельзя! Ну, спасли эти договоры, но все остальное могут растащить… Мало ли по всем министерствам государственно важных документов? Неужели же все их сюда свалить? И куда? Нет не только шкафа, но даже ящика нет в столе, что с ними делать?.

Но кто-то нашелся:

— Знаете что — бросим их под стол… Под скатертью ведь совершенно не видно… Никому в голову не придет искать их там… Смотрите… — И пакет отправился под стол… Зеленая бархатная скатерть опустилась до самого пола… Великолепно, как раз самое подходящее место для хранения важнейших актов Державы Российской…

Полно! Есть ли еще эта держава? Государство ли это или сплошной огромный, колоссальный сумасшедший дом?

Опять Керенский… Опять с солдатами, что еще они тащат?

— Тут два миллиона рублей. Из какого-то министерства притащили… Так больше нельзя… Надо скорее назначить комиссаров… Где Михаил Владимирович?

– На улице…

– Кричит «ура»? Довольно кричать «ура». Надо делом заняться… господа члены Комитета!.. 

✍    Also today

My assistant came in late today. He tried to explain that the revolution has halted all street transport. I believe that a revolution is no excuse for being late!

Thousands, tens of thousands of people are wandering the streets today with red bow-knots on their chests. This monotonous loitering has begun to annoy me. Right now I sit at home and work with great pleasure, I finished the 3-rd Sonnet and continued working on the Violin concerto.

The sovereign still reigns, but his guard, carrying red banners, is already hurrying to the Tavrichesky palace to express its readiness to serve the Revolution.

Shame and disgrace! I was unable to reach Tsarskoye [Selo]; but my thoughts and feelings are always there! It must be hard for poor Aliks to live through these developments alone! God help us!

The train pulled in to Dno Station, to be greeted by a telegraph official bearing a telegram addressed to the Emperor. The telegram was handed over to His Majesty, and I entered his carriage to find out who it was from. The telegram, as the Tsar informed me, was from Rodzianko, who had requested that we stop off at Dno and await his arrival from Petrograd. The Tsar asked me if I had any information as to when Rodzianko would arrive. I replied that I did not, and that I would enquire by telegraph whether he had already left Petrograd. See more

At that moment, we were primarily preoccupied with the development of the ministries. The issue of supreme executive power was not on the agenda: the majority of the Provisional Duma Committee’s members still took it as a given that the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich would serve as regent until the coming of age of Alexei, the heir to the throne.   See more

Is released from Butyrka prison

Nicky should have arrived today from the General Headquarters, but didn’t, and it was not known where the train was, rumours said that it was in Bologoe. All power is concentrated in the Interim Committee, which finds it really hard, considering the strong pressure that it is under from the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.

When I had breakfast and went to the gymnasium, it turned out that the gymnasium had already been disbanded due to rioting in Moscow where crowds traverse the streets, shouting and singing. On Vozdvizhensky square the junkers even shot blank rounds into the people; the people are dissatisfied with the sovereign and he will probably renounce his throne and we will have a republic like they do in France.

When Ilyich was about to head off to the library and I’d finished clearing away the dishes, Bronski came in, saying, “What, you don’t know what’s happened?! There’s a revolution in Russia!” And he told us about the latest reports published in the special editions of the newspapers. After he’d left, we went down to the lake, on whose shore all the newspapers were posted up as soon as they came out. We read the reports several times. A revolution really had happened in Russia. Ilych was all activity. See more

Nothing has changed here - everyone is bored witless. Despite the fact that this swamp has been forgotten by both God and the Germans, the air here is surprisingly fresh, the wind often changes its direction, the snow is deep and at night the village is charmingly lit. It all feels very real. Tonight, for example, we heard rapid fire coming from the front, the floodlights and flares got to work, lighting up the horizon, and we got on our horses and rode over the hills to the front. While we were riding, of course, the commotion stopped, but the ride itself was pleasant enough.

At 10pm, the Empress received a telegram from the Emperor with the following message: “I hope to be home tomorrow morning.” The Tsarina passed on this news to her retinue. Everyone brightened up. The soldiers were happy. The palace announced that the Empress would emerge to see the troops. Everything was galvanised into activity. The wide doors were suddenly flung open and two elegant footmen took up position on either side of the doorway, each holding a silver candelabrum, complete with tapers, high in the air. The Empress emerged with Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna by her side. A quiet command was issued to the troops. See more

I received a telegram from Rodzianko, in which he informed me that power has reverted to the Provisional Comittee of the State Duma. He asks me to maintain calm, to bear in mind that everything that is happening is happening for the best, that the previous government, in showing itself incapable, is being replaced by one that will rise to the challenge, and asks me to take measures to prevent complications and excesses.

The events currently unfolding appear grandiose, moving even, but the meaning behind them is not as profound and great as everyone takes it to be. I am trying to remain scepitcal, although I am also moved to tears by the sights and songs of the soldiers marching to the State Duma. We can never go back, but we’ll not move much forward. A sparrow’s step maybe. A lot of blood will be spilt – more than has ever been spilt before.

Kerensky arrived. We kissed uncontrollably. He ran around the room, suddenly began to hurry:

“Well, it’s time for me to go…as I am incognito here with you…”

Unsettled, as well as without “incognito” - he disappeared. Yes, the former Kerensky, and - at to some degree - not the same.


in Petrograd
in Moscow