With every hour things are getting more difficult. We are on our feet almost constantly. You hardly have a chance to come back after some errand or operation and grab a bite to eat, than the command comes again:
“Fall in!”
We are sent off to the Moscow River then to Prechistenka, to Nikitskaya, to Teatralnaya, and so it goes on. Our ears are ringing from the constant shooting (shots are far more deafening in the city than out in the field.)
It’s impossible to make any headway without artillery. We would have to storm building after building. The Bolsheviks have begun using artillery. At first, the shells were only falling on Arbat Square and the boulevards, but soon they were exploding all over our district. They are firing on the Kremlin, too. It breaks your heart to see shrapnel exploding over the Kremlin.
I woke up at eight o’clock. It was quiet. It seemed as if everything was over. But a minute later, there was a gunshot very close by. Ten minutes later, another. Then the crack of a whip - a shot. And that was how it went on all day. Sometimes there is no firing for an hour, and then the shots would come five or ten times a minute.
The town seemed peaceful. We decided to go to the bank for the jewels. We rose early and set off. As he opened the gates for us the old janitor said: "Something's wrong in town. It strikes me that the Bolsheviks are up to something today. See more
Lights went out today at 10.30 pm. It went back on at 3 am.
The papers have shocked me: they paint things not at all as they did before. Bolshevik victories everywhere, not a word about Kerensky, and Moscow in the crossfire of rifles and handguns. See more
The telephone station was recaptured yesterday by a combined force of soldiers, sailors, and workmen, but not without casualties on both sides. See more
Soldiers of the Petrograd garrison!
The struggle for freedom has reached a critical point. A meeting of the Petrograd garrison was held to discuss the defense of Petrograd and the revolution against an onslaught of counterrevolutionary forces. See more
Dear Roosevelt:
Thank you very much for the book and for the letter with it. Like you, I am rather aghast at the psychology of the Pacifist - and I should be more so if I didn't know how long and how effectively Germany has worked upon them all over the world. If you go back far enough you'll find that Marx - a Hun - was at the bottom of the rot. See more
The situation in the city is highly uncertain. No one waiting anymore in expectation of “Kerensky and his forces” … Yesterday, there was terrible bloodshed. They lay siege to the cadet school (the “Red Guard” and the soldiers) and beat the cadets viciously. See more
The Duma was again in session in the Nicolai Hall. The Mayor said hopefully that the Petrograd regiments were ashamed of their actions; propaganda was making headway. See more