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Age: 45
Interests: military strategy, literature
Job: Commander-in-Chief of the Western front (from 13 June 1917), Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (from 3 April 1917)

Project 1917 is a series of events that took place a hundred years ago as described by those involved. It is composed only of diaries, letters, memoirs, newspapers and other documents

The first immediate goal of the Volunteer army is to repel armed attacks on the Southern and Southeastern regions of Russia. It will be acting together with the Cossacks and the Russian areas resisting the German-Bolshevik oppression, all the people who arrived at the South of Russia to defend to the bitter end the autonomy of the last stronghold of Russian independence.

The Volunteer army also has another goal. The army should become the driving force behind giving Russian people a chance to build a Free Russia... The new army should guard the civil freedoms and the right of the Russian people to express their will through the elected Constituent Assembly. 

has become Head of the Don Civil Congress

Also participating: Kaledin, Denikin, Milyukov, KornilovCommander in Chief of the Petrograd command - from 18 March 1917, Trubetskoy, Struve, Savinkov.

Дмитрий Потоцкий, бывший военный губернатор Ростова.GeneralДмитрий Потоцкий, бывший военный губернатор Ростова. Pototsky came to Novocherkassk and my wife who was in attendance told me that he’d just brought Kerensky with him, who’d gone to Kaledin. Over lunch at Kaledin’s, I personally heard the conversation between his close compatriots: Keresnky had arrived, initially dropping in on Bogaevsky, where he was not well received. See more

I went to Kaledin, who I'd known for a long time, and had undertaken military service with. The house was empty and quiet. Kaledin was alone in his giant study as if weighed down by an inevitable misery, haggard and exhausted. See more

In our carriage, which was packed full of soldiers, suspicions were aroused by the fact that I had been lying for so long on the top bunk, and talk started up below. See more

With great interest Liubokonsky and I listened to the amazing news about the flight of KornilovCommander in Chief of the Petrograd command - from 18 March 1917 and the Bykhovo generals; together with a crowd, we read announcements printed in huge letters that have been posted at various stations. See more

This morning, Colonel of the General Staff Kusonsky arrived (from Headquarters) and reported to General KornilovCommander in Chief of the Petrograd command - from 18 March 1917, “In four hours Krylenko will enter Mogilyov, which will be surrendered without a fight. General Dukhonin has ordered you to report that all prisoners must immediately leave Bykhov.”

In order to make our forced retreat from Bykhov a little easier, particularly as we may have to march on foot with the Turkmen, steps are being taken to gradually release the arrested officers. See more

There are historical moments when opportunism is not only a weakness, but also a crime.

В Старом Быхове мы простились с нашими спасителями-юнкерами. 

На станции нас ожидал автомобиль польской дивизии и брички. Я с Бетлингом и двумя генералами сели в автомобиль; комитетчики запротестовали: пришлось одного взять на подножку. Покружили по грязным улицам еврейского уездного города и остановились перед старинным зданием женской гимназии. Раскрылась железная калитка, и мы попали в объятия друзей, знакомых, незнакомых — быховских заключенных, которые с тревогой за нашу судьбу ждали нашего прибытия. See more

Предполагалась враждебная встреча на станции Калинковичи, где сосредоточено было много тыловых учреждений, но ее проехали ранним утром, и вокзал был пусть. Из конского вагона в Житомире нас перевели в товарный - приспособленный, с нарами, на который мы тотчас улеглись, и после пережитых впечатлений вероятно все заснули мертвым сном. Когда проснулись утром - вся обстановка в вагоне так разительно отличалась от той вчерашней, которая еще давила на мозг и память, как тяжелое похмелье... Наша стража - караульные юнкера - относились к нам с трогательным, каким-то застенчивым вниманием. Помощник фронтового комиссара Григорьев, зашедший в вагон, воодушевленно рассказывал, как его на вокзале "помяли" и как он "честил" революционную толпу. Казалось, что мы находимся в кругу своих доброжелателей, и единственный, кто чувствует себя арестованным, это - очередной комитетский делегат, вооруженный револьвером в какой-то огромной кобуре, хранящий молчание и беспокойно поглядывающий по сторонам.

In the morning the Commissariat began visiting all the units in the garrison, to obtain their consent to our transfer. The Committee had appointed a meeting of the whole garrison for 2 p.m., i.e., three hours before our departure, and in the field, moreover, immediately beside our prison. See more

The struggle continues. It is an expansive, harsh ordeal, in which nerves are racked beyond measure and a desperate fatigue sets in. I am not finding it easy.

We must put up a fight, or the country will be doomed. N. came to see me at the front. He is still obsessed with his idea of a coup, and of placing the Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich on the throne. He is planning something, and asked me to work with him. I declared categorically that I will not enter into any escapade involving the Romanovs. See more

Age: 45
Interests: military strategy, literature Job: Commander-in-Chief of the Western front (from 13 June 1917), Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (from 3 April 1917)
