In a train car. (2nd return track to Moscow. I'm on my way):
-Breshkovsky is a rascal, too! She said "you should go to war!"
-Destroy all the poor people and enjoy life again!
Kerensky, the Cadets, Breshkovskaya, Plekhanov and similar politicians are conscious or unconscious tools in the hands of Anglo-French imperialism, as six months’ history of the Russian revolution has proved in full.
I woke up at six. Stayed in bed for an hour. I feel down. I'm thinking that the world might grow empty for me soon. Where have my former carelessness and hope gone! My soul feels numb, empty, I've got nothing to say, nothing to write, I'm trying - and it's just a trade, a pathetic, dead one. Yesterday Breshkovsky appealed to the youth - "go educate the people"!
A new cabinet has finally been formed: Konovalov at Trade, Kuzma Gvozdev at Labour, Malyantovich at Justice, Neverovsky at Transport, Smirnoff as State Controler, Bernatsky at Finance, Kishkin as Social Minister, Tretyakov as Chair of the Economic Council, Salazkin at Education, Prokopovich at Supply. See more
Land and Liberty! We've been saying these words for years, and both Land and Liberty were far away from us. We've been stretching our arms towards them; we've been telling our children about them, describing them as distant happiness we should fight for. See more
The world proletarian revolution is clearly maturing. The question of its relation to the state is acquiring practical importance. The elements of opportunism that accumulated over the decades of comparatively peaceful development have given rise to the trend of social-chauvinism which dominated the official socialist parties throughout the world. See more
Also attending: Kerensky, Catherine Breshkovsky, KornilovCommander in Chief of the Petrograd command - from 18 March 1917, Nekrasov, Lvov, Rodzianko, Tsereteli, Guchkov, Plekhanov, Trubetskoy and others
Cablegram. Petrograd, April 13? 1917
To Alice Stone Blackwell, the Woman's Journal,
Boston, U.S.A.
"Greetings from free Russia to the people of the U.S.A.! Am enjoying happiness, with all the city, and Russia and Siberia.