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Age: 34
Lives in: Achinsk, Russian Empire
Occupation: revolutionary
Views: Bolshevik

Project 1917 is a series of events that took place a hundred years ago as described by those involved. It is composed only of diaries, letters, memoirs, newspapers and other documents

To Comrades Kamenev, Zinoviev, Ryazanov and Larin

Once before, the Central Committee delivered an ultima—turn to the leading exponents of your policy (Kamenev and Zinoviev), demanding complete subordination to the Central Committee’s line and decisions, and renunciation of efforts to sabotage its work and of all subversive activity. See more

The Duma faction has come to win or die with the All-Russian Congress.

We've received the message that the Provisional Government has been arrested at the Winter Palace - everyone but Kerensky, who had managed to run away.

An unofficial session of the Central Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (Bolsheviks) is opened by Trotsky. 11 people are present, including Lev Kamenev and Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Lev Kamenev suggests banning all Central Committee members from leaving Smolny unless expressly allowed otherwise. The suggestion is passed unanimously.

In view of the intensified discussion about the question of an armed action, Comrade Zinoviev and I have written to our main party organizations in Petrograd, Moscow and Finland, emphatically opposing the idea that our party should engage in any kind of armed action in the immediate future. See more

The day of the uprising needs to be efficiently chosen. They say that we need to wait for an attack by the government, but we have to understand what can be construed as an attack. See more

In the corridors of Smolny, I spoke with Kamenev, a little man with a reddish pointed beard and Gallic gestures. He was not at all sure that enough delegates would come. See more

Savinkov thinks that Kerensky is honest, but says that Trotsky (Bronstein) and Kamenev (Rosenfeldt) could be bought. Lenin and Kollontai are fanatics See more

It is true that the Petrograd Soviet had not ordered a demonstration, but the Central Committee of the Bolshevik party was considering the question of insurrection. All night long the 23d they met. There were present all the party intellectuals, the leaders—and delegates of the Petrograd workers and garrison. Alone of the intellectuals Lenin and Trotsky stood for insurrection. Even the military men opposed it. A vote was taken. Insurrection was defeated! See more

Attends the All-Russia Democratic Conference

Also attending: Kerensky, Trotsky, Maugham, Chkheidze, Nabokov, Kamenev, Avksentiev and others.

If I am to be bumped off, I ask you to publish my notebook “Marxism and the State” (which got left behind in Stockholm). It is bound and with a blue cover.

It was a moment of hesitation for Ilich. He laid out the arguments for the necessity of going to court. “Grigory and I have decided to go to court. Go and let Kamenev know”, Ilich said to me. At this moment Kamenev was in a nearby flat. I was hurrying out the door when Vladimir Ilich stopped me: “Let us say our farewells; it may be that we will not see each other again”. See more

The Congress of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies recently adjourned at the Cadets’ College has only deepened my pessimism. The meeting began with a discussion of the Dacha Durnovo. Pereverzev, Liber, Kamenev, Tsereteli with his histrionics, and Lunacharsky, all made speeches, the latter receiving reproaches from the Asiatic Chkheidze for addressing the congress without the reverence apparently accorded it. See more

We put our stakes only on the development of a worldwide proletarian revolution; we have no prospect of an amicable concord with Western European imperialism, nor of one with the German General Staff...

There’s nothing but global proletarian revolution on our horizon.

Age: 34
Lives in: Achinsk, Russian Empire
Occupation: revolutionary Views: Bolshevik
