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Age: 38
Lives in: Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire
Nickname: Gilik
Occupation: French language tutor

Project 1917 is a series of events that took place a hundred years ago as described by those involved. It is composed only of diaries, letters, memoirs, newspapers and other documents

Thus we reached Christmas. The Czarina and Grand-Duchesses had for many weeks been preparing with their own hands a present for each of us and each of the servants. Her Majesty distributed some woollen waistcoats which she had knitted herself. With such touching thoughtfulness as this she tried to show her gratitude to those who had remained faithful. See more

Meanwhile the Bolshevik doctrines had begun their destructive work in the detachment which was guarding us and which hitherto had been fairly proof against them. It was composed of very varied elements: the men of the ist and 4th Regiments were for the most part favourably disposed towards the Imperial family, and especially towards the children. See more

One of the greatest privations during our captivity at Tobolsk was the almost complete absence of news. Letters only reached us very irregularly and after long delay. As for newspapers, we were reduced to a nasty local rag printed on packing paper, which only gave us telegrams several days old and generally distorted and cut down. See more

When it began to get very cold, and the large hall became impossible, we took refuge in the adjoining room, which was Their Maj esties' drawing-room, the only really comfortable apartment in the house. The Czar would often read aloud while the Grand-Duchesses did needlework or played with us. The Czarina regularly played one or two games of beziqueBezique is a French intellectual card game for two. with General Tatichtchef and then took up her work or reclined in her armchair.

Meanwhile our life gradually settled down along definite lines, and by mobilising all our resources we managed to resume the education of the Czarevitch and two youngest Grand-Duchesses. The lessons began at nine o'clock, and were broken off from eleven to twelve for a walk, which was always shared by the Czar. See more

On the following day we passed the native village of Rasputin, and the family, gathered on the deck, were able to observe the house of the staretz, which stood out clearly from among the isbas. See more

What reasons had the Council of Mnisters for transporting the Imperial family to Tobolsk? It is dificult to say definitely. When Kerensky told the Czar of the proposed transfer he explained the necessity by saying that the Provisional Government had resolved to take energetic measures against the Bolsheviks; See more

We were told that we should take warm clothes. Hence, we are not directed to the south. A big disappointment.

I found out that the Provisional Government decided to transport the Royal family. Destination is kept in a secret. We all hope it will be Crimea.

Nothing new in our captivity. The only distraction is going out. It is very hot, and for some days Alexis Nikolaevitch has been bathing in the pond round the children's island. It is a great joy to him.

News from the front are not good. The offensive that has started out so successfuly is turning into a failure for the Russians.

Молебен по случаю военных событий, предвещающих, как кажется, большую победу. Государь, сияющий, приносит Алексею НиколаевичуНаследник российского престола вечерние газеты и читает ему официальные сообщения.

Дни проходят за днями без всяких перемен, в уроках и прогулках. Государь рассказал мне сегодня забавный случай, нарушившей однообразие нашего заключения. Вчера вечером он читал вслух в красной зале, где находились Государыня и Великие Княжны. Вдруг около одиннадцати часов входит весьма смущенный лакей и докладывает, что начальник караула желает быть немедленно принятым Государем. See more

After the disease Grand Duchesses shaved their heads because their hair fell out heavily; When they went out into the garden, they put on hats made to hide the lack of hair. At the moment when I was going to take pictures of them, they quickly took off their hats on the sign of Olga Nikolaevna. See more

We finished our kitchen garden some time ago and it is now in splendid condition. We have every imaginable kind of vegetable, and five hundred cabbages. The servants, too, have made a garden on their side of the palace, where they can cultivate what they like. We went to help them dig it — the Czar too. To occupy our leisure now that we have finished our work on the garden, we have asked and obtained permission to cut down the dead trees in the park, so we go from place to place, followed by a guard which moves when we move. We are beginning to be quite skilful woodcutters. This will give us a supply of wood for next winter.

Age: 38
Lives in: Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire
Nickname: Gilik Occupation: French language tutor
