Here is Lenin... The meeting was pompous, with projectors. But...he came through Germany. The Germans collected a whole bunch of these mischievous Trishkas, gave them a whole train, sealed it (so that the spirit did not drift to German soil) and sent to us: here, collect.
Immediately that evening, Lenin started acting: announced that he was renouncing socialist-democracy (even Bolshevism) and now called himself a "socialist-communist."
I am staying at "The Bear," the room is 12 rubles, but is rather comfortable, with a bathtub. Oh, how little comfort I have experienced in life and how pleasant it is!
Diligently read the newspapers. Everything is terrifying, there is always something menacing. And the war, and the hunger.
There is nothing baser than humankind. It is the most disgusting and horrible of living creatures inhabiting the earth, because humans combine consciousness, of which animals are deprived, with simian nastiness. Really, "nasty monkeys”—one can’t think of a better name for people.
Revolution is the great revealer, and it revealed only what has been hiding in the depths of Russia. The modes of old regime contained the manifestations of many Russian traits, brought them within enforced limits. The fall of these decrepit modes resulted in a Russian man becoming completely unbridled and appearing naked. The evil spirits that Gogol saw in their stasis, broke free and are having an orgy. See more
Russian democracy is presently the lord over Russian land. We have decided to stop, once and for all, all attempts at imperialism and seizure in our country, for we, Russian democrats, don't want anyone's enslavement, don't want any seizures; we serve the idea of freedom, equality, and fraternity of all people.
Brothel — via Tomaselli, 140... Girls of Naples have four hands.
This morning Miliukov gleefully remarked to me:
"Lenin was a hopeless failure with the Soviet yesterday. He argued the pacifist cause so heatedly, and with such effrontery and lack of tact, that he was compelled to stop and leave the room amidst a storm of booing. He will never survive it.." See more
During the night it rained; almost all of the snow has disappeared. The day became overcast and cool. I slept poorly and got up late. During the morning I took a walk. During the day I worked for a while with Alexis and the staff on both bridges. We did not see too many people near us as there was very much water. Till dinner I read from lây books, and in the evening I read aloud to Tatiana.