Bolshevism is the catastrophe which has finally brought on the collapse of the building of our old culture. The sum of its achievements, if there were any, has been wiped out. This process parallels in the political and sociological realms that of futurism in art: it is the conclusion to the process of decay.
It is Atilla, under whose steed’s hooves the grass will once again grow. Nothing, of course, will be left of the previous cultural inheritance after Bolshevism, only an empty steppe, upon which we will have to cultivate a new culture, or rather, learn again how to cultivate.
A pale dawn.
The previous talks about terminating pensions have been justified - today the Bolshevik government decreed that pensions paid to those who receive more than 300 roubles per month will cease. See more
Russia will wipe the Bolshevism out, and the names of its leaders will be cursed by future generations. Society’s most pressing task now is to maintain the struggle. Forward! Open the eyes of the soldiers and the people. They will recognize the holy banner of truth when it raised aloft before them. A great people must be destined for a great future.
Stalin’s report on Orenburg, the Ural region and Turkestan. The possibility of cutting Siberia off from Russia. Orders for comrades Stalin and Kolegaev: 1) to hold talks with the Military Commissariat on the immediate fulfilment of the demands for military assistance and to monitor the execution of these demands; 2) having agreed on the necessity of dispatching money to Samara, to hold talks with the Military Commissariat and the manager of the State Bank on the size of the required sum and the details of its delivery.
It got a little warmer, 10 degrees. The morning was overcast but the day was sunny. I chopped up a lot of small firewood for our baths. At 9 o'clock vespers was held.