Having destroyed the old courts in the name of the proletariat, the People’s Commissars have thereby strengthened in the consciousness of the “street” its right to “mob trials” – a brutish right indeed.
Our “street” enjoyed dishing out beatings before the revolution as well, delightedly indulging in this loathsome “sport”. Nowhere are people beaten so often and with such zeal and joy as in this Russia of ours. People have grown all too inured to being “beaten from childhood onwards” – beaten by their parents, by their masters, by the police.
There was a big blizzard yesterday. Petrograd is all covered in snow like a village. The snow is not being cleaned, all street cleaners now occupy important positions in the ministries, they are now chiefs, inspectors, etc. See more
Every day new “decrees” come out, and there have been so many of them that it seems as though everything in our country has been destroyed and life has become such a confusion that no power on earth could cope with it.
No scientist, historian, sociologist, psychologist could have predicted, could have imagined the depth of the psychological shock that Russia has experienced the moment the monarchy fell. See more
Decree on the changing of clocks
By decree of the Coalition Government, a directive was issued to move all clocks one hour forward for the summer starting on the 14th of July. The present decree prescribes a return to the usual account of time.
On the way, at 6 P.M., I received, at a station, the following telegram, in code, from Baron Gautsch, who had remained at Brest:
"Russian delegation received following telegram from Petersburg this morning: To General Hoffmann. The Government of the Russian Republic considers it necessary to carry on the further negotiations on neutral ground and proposes removing to Stockholm." See more
We finished celebrating Anastasia's birthday with church services at 12 o'clock. During the day we worked on the hill and chopped up some firewood. After tea we held rehearsal.