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Project 1917 is a series of events that took place a hundred years ago as described by those involved. It is composed only of diaries, letters, memoirs, newspapers and other documents

My darling beloved, how are you? We are all well, walk much in the yard, and have a little hill down which we can slide. There is much frost these days so Mama sits at home. You will probably get this in February, so I congratulate you on your name day. God help you in future and bless you. We always remember and speak of you. May God guard all your ways. Don't be sad, dear. All will be well, and we shall be together again. I kiss you tenderly.

We finished celebrating Anastasia's birthday with church services at 12 o'clock. During the day we worked on the hill and chopped up some firewood. After tea we held rehearsal.

My darling and dear: Thank you tenderly for your little gift. It was so nice to have it, reminding me especially of you. We remember and speak of you often, and in our prayers, we are always together. The little dog you gave is always with us and is very nice. We have arranged our rooms comfortably and all four live together. See more

My dear Katya!

I am sending you a view of the Governor’s House. On this balcony, we often sat for long periods of time. Our windows face the street behind the trees on the corner. See more

Three years ago Germany declared war on us; how I wish all had survived those three years! God help and save Russia. It was very hot. I took a short walk with Tatiana, MarieThird daughter of Nicholas II and Anastasia, and again a whole patrol from the Third Infantry Regiment came along. We worked in the same place as before. We cut down three trees and finished yesterday's fir tree. Now I am reading the novel by Merezhkovsky, Alexander I.

Turns 16

We expected that a son would be born, but the birth of a fourth girl did not, to any extent, reduce the love of her relatives to her. She was not even a year old, but she already managerd to win universal affection with her amusing manners, her cheerful character and a sonorous laugh. She really is a Shwybzick. At thirteen, Anastasia began to get fat, despite the fact that she moved a lot. In addition, she was much shorter than her sisters. See more

Anastasia turned 16 today. How quickly time flies… I am dwelling upon the past. I must think of everything more calmly. What is there to do? If the Lord sends us such hardships, then he clearly believes we are prepared to meet them. They are a test in their own way—we need to show that we have not passed through them in vain. See more

It became wonderful weather, although it was a cooler day. I took a walk from 11 to 12 while Alexis played on the island. After breakfast we went out into the garden at 2 o'clock. Some of the workers helped me, chopping and sawing firewood. See more

Dear Tatiana turned 20 years old. I walked to Mass with Tatiana, Marie and Anastasia. Korovichenko was one of the officers of the army guards. The weather had become lovely. During the day we went out for two hours. I went with the children to work in the forest. See more

It was a warm, overcast day. I went for a walk until 11 o'clock with Olga, Anastasia and Alexis. We had lunch at 12 o'clock. During the day we spent three hours in the garden, on the island and the pond. See more

Luncheon: Cold hors d’oeuvre, risotto with bouillon, pies, baked potatoes, roast meat, salad, brandy snaps.

Today the Tsesarevich told me: “Father gave us an exam. He remained very unhappy and said: “What did you learn?”" The young girls offered their services as teachers, and the crowned parents followed their example. The Emperor took upon himself the task of teaching history and geography, the Empress - God’s law and German, Iza - English, Nastenka - the history of art and music. See more

It was a bright day. At 11 o'clock I went to Mass with Olga, Tatiana and Alexis. Marie and Anastasia's temperature fell to normal, but towards evening Marie's rose a little bit. I went for a two hour walk; I walked and worked and delighted in the weather. I returned home at 4:30. I sat for a long time with the children. In the evening we sat with Anna and others.

Neither the Grand Duchess nor I could sleep, and we lay awake in the darkness talking in low tones. Occasionally I was silent, but, when this was so, Anastasie never failed to ask: See more

Age: 16
Lives in: Alexander Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, Russian Empire
chef of 148th Kaspiisky (Caspian) Infantry Regiment Nickname: Shvybzik
