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Age: 57
Lives in: Petrograd, Russian Empire
Interests: politics, military strategy, agriculture Rank: state councillor
Occupation: Chairman of the State Duma

Project 1917 is a series of events that took place a hundred years ago as described by those involved. It is composed only of diaries, letters, memoirs, newspapers and other documents

It seems that kinship never fades, no matter what happens. In Moscow, Rodzianko claims that he heard that in Riga, Emperor Wilhelm II visited an Orthodox cathedral, kissed the icons and ordered that Nicholas II be mentioned during the service.

It's fine to mention him, but how - they should think about that.

It's an important day at the Palace: interrogation of Rodzianko is taking place.

at a State meeting

Also attending: Kerensky, Catherine Breshkovsky, KornilovCommander in Chief of the Petrograd command - from 18 March 1917, Nekrasov, Lvov, Rodzianko, Tsereteli, Guchkov, Plekhanov, Trubetskoy and others

The Conference of Public Figures welcomes you, the Supreme Leader of the Russian Army. The Conference declares that any attempt attempt to undermine your authority in the army and in Russia will be considered criminal, and joins its voice to the voices of the officers, the cadets and the Knights of George. See more

A different course of events could not be expected. However, people's minds start to clear up, thank God. Of course, all false teachers lost their authority. Ideas of communism were completely wrecked. Now it's obvious that instead of the motto "liberté, égalité, fraternité", people prefer cruel despotism based on violence, blood and murders. See more

I got an invitation to come see Rodzianko at breakfast. During our conversation, Rodzianko expressed an optimistic view on the situation in the Black Sea. I've told him that I am experiencing  the same internal turmoil as everyone. For now, I can contain this motion, by appealing to the remnants of reason, See more

Rodzianko, the chairman of the Duma, has become a frequent visitor to our house. Once, catching sight of me, Rodzianko came straight out with a question: “Moscow wants to declare you Emperor, What do you say?” This wasn’t the first time I had heard this. Soon, Admiral Kolchak and Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich came to me and repeated: “The Russian throne has not, in the past, been achieved through inheritance or election. It has been seized. See more

I would like to say what I think about Kerensky. He is an unprincipled man, who changes his convictions, does not think deeply and is extremely superficial. His empty, semi-hysterical speeches don't correspond with his inner disposition. I boldly declare that no one has done as much harm to Russia as Kerensky. He is two-faced and always flirts with all political movements. Having no will power, he patronises the Bolsheviks!

Разгромлен Окружной суд и Главное артиллерийское управление, а также Арсенал, из которого было похищено около 40 тысяч винтовок рабочими заводов, которые сейчас же были розданы быстро сформированным батальонам красной гвардии.

The Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich arrived in Petrograd, and we had a meeting with him in the company of the Chairman of the State Duma, his comrade Nekrasov, the secretary of the State Duma Dmitriyukov and member of the Duma Savich. See more

I walked along side the motorcars toward the Duma. I popped into Radzianko's office. I inspected Miliukov. He was silent. But for some reason it seemed to me that he was stuttering. I was bored an hour later. I left.

When it became evident that the government was no more, it simultaneously became apparent that it wasn’t viable to remain without a government for so much as an hour. And that the State Duma Committee, which was promptly swamped with appeals for directives, would therefore have to don Monomakh’s hat.

Rodzianko was in two minds for a long time. What would this prove to be, he kept asking – an insurrection or not?

Most humbly I report to your Majesty, that the popular disturbances which have begun in Petrograd are assuming a serious character and threatening proportions. The causes are a shortage of baked bread and an insufficient supply of flour, which are giving rise to panic, but most of all a complete lack of confidence in the leadership, which is incapable of leading the nation out of this difficult situation. In such circumstances there will undoubtedly be an explosion of events, which may be possible to contain temporarily at the price of shedding the blood of innocent citizens, but which it will be impossible to control if they persist. See more

Ну вот, события дошли до своего апогея. See more

Царь уехал. Дума продолжает обсуждать продовольственный вопрос. Но что-то сегодня оборвалось, и государственная машина сошла с рельс. Сегодня совершилось то, о чем предупреждали, грозное и гибельное, чему во дворце не хотели верить…

Age: 57
Lives in: Petrograd, Russian Empire
Interests: politics, military strategy, agriculture Occupation: Chairman of the State Duma Rank: state councillor
